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NRC Activities on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTs)

Presented By: Matthew Hiser

NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

Periodic Advanced Reactor Stakeholder Meeting on January 19, 2022

Topics discussed include:

  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

  • Laser Powder Bed Fusion

  • First US Application of Additive Manufacturing

  • Second US Application of Additive Manufacturing

  • Directed Energy Deposition

  • Powder Metallurgy–Hot Isostatic Pressing (PM-HIP)

  • Electron Beam Welding

  • Cold Spray

  • Industry and Research Activities

  • Codes and Standards

  • NRC Action Plan

  • Action Plan–Rev. 1 Tasks

  • Task 1 Technical Preparedness Activities

  • Task 2-Regulatory Preparedness Activities

  • NRC AMT Guidelines Development

  • Communications and KM Activities

  • Status of Deliverables–Task 1

  • Status of Deliverables–Tasks 2 and 3

  • Path Forward


To view the NRC Activities on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTs) document in its entirety, please download the pdf file below. For more information on the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, visit their website at

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