CSAT 2024 Poster Session
2024 Poster Submissions
1. Madison Voyda, University of Alabama -- Laser Assisted Cold Spray Deposition of Niobium for Additive Manufacturing
2. Emily Lee, Daniel Hardt, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) -- Assessment of Cold Spray Powder Emissions in a Controlled Laboratory Setting
Ineligible for judging
3. Kiran Judd, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) -- Comparison of Recycled Battlefield Titanium Scrap vs. Virgin Titanium Feedstock Powder for Cold Spray Consolidation
4. Sohail Mohammed, ColRAD - Florida International University (FIU) -- Cold Sprayed Aluminum Capacitors for 3D Power Packaging Applications
5. Ashton Lyon, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) -- Recycling Metal Feedstock Powders for Re-Use in Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing
6. Denny John, ColRAD - Florida International University (FIU) -- Cold Sprayed Aluminum Capacitors for 3D Power Packaging Applications
7. Caroline Dowling, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) -- A Study of the Feasibility of Using Clean Nitrogen Gas for Metal 3D Printing Applications
People's Choice Winner
8. Anil Lama, ColRAD - Florida International University (FIU) -- Microstructure and Multi-scale Length Mechanical Properties of Cold Sprayed Scalmalloy-Al7075 Composite Deposits
9. Prateek, University of Massachusetts Amherst -- Enhanced Mechanical Properties in Cold Spray-Produced Titanium/Hydroxyapatite Biocomposites
Judge's Choice Winner
10. Eva Piazza, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) -- Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing with Shape Memory Alloys for NASA Aerospace Applications
11. Chiemeligo Onyemelukwe, University of Massachusetts Amherst -- Extended Clogging Suppression in Cold Spray Nozzles using CO2
12. Amir Mansouri, Northeastern University -- Effect of particle size on the ceramic retention of Al/SiC composite by cold spray deposition
13. Jay Yoder, Montana Technical University -- Flow and Particle Characterization of Low-Pressure Cold Spray Systems
14. Chunyang Xia, Northeastern University -- Development and Validation of Physics-Enable Machine Learning Models for Temperature and Residual Stress in Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing
15. Akul Chaudhari, Northeastern University -- Material Transfer between Ni Particles and WC-Co Substrates at Shallow Impact Angles and Elevated Surface Temperatures
16. Sohayb Batwa, Northeastern University -- Developing of Chromium-Carbide/ Nickel-Chromium Coatings for Steel Structure Repairs by Cold Spray Technology