CSAT 2017 Presentations
Click the presentation titles below to open a new window featuring a PDF file of each presentation.
Note: All Presentations linked here in have been released by the Speaker prior to being added to the CSAT Website for public viewing. All presentations from the 2017 agenda missing from this list are will not be available for publishing on the website until we have permission.
Dr. David Luzzi, Northeastern University
Vic Champagne, ARL
Advancements in Cold Spray & Army Vision
Jack Rick, Ellsworth AFB
Cold Spray Implementation at Ellsworth Air Force Base
Fred Lancaster, NAVAIR
NAVAIR Transition of Cold Spray for Rotorcraft
Tom Stamey, Puget Sound NS
Uniform Industrial Process Instruction for Cold Spray
Mike Froning, Wright Patterson AFB
Cold Spray Air Force Change Evaluation Team Process
Dan Greving, Honeywell
Qualification Process for Structural Cold Spray Repair
Michael Nicholas, Matt Keast and James Castle, Boeing
Cold Spray Development at Boeing
Rob Hrabe, HF Webster/VRC
Cold Spray System Reliability & Advancement for DoD
Neil Matthews, RUAG
AM Restoration of Load Carrying Capacity of Wing Skins
Dr. Tim Eden, Penn State University
Cold Spray Development at the Applied Research Lab
Dr. David Luzzi, NU
Kostas Research Institute Cold Spray Laboratory
Wesley Cass, AMRDEC
Transition of Cold Spray at Corpus Christi Army Depot
Phuong Vo and Manuel Martin, NRC
Build Strategies for Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing
Simon Bellemare, MMT
Nondestructive Evaluation of Cold Spray Deposits
Koroush Shirvan, MIT
Development of Cr Coated Nuclear Fuel Cladding
Poster Session–Exhibits-Networking
Dr. Ozan Ozdemir, SDSMT/NU
Optimization of Cold Spray Powder Feed Rate
Aaron Nardi, UTRC
Mostafa Hassani-Gangaraj, MIT
In-Situ Studies of Micro-Particle Impact & Adhesion
Chris Howe, MOOG
Economics of Helium Recovery for Cold Spray
Steven Camilleri, SPEE3D
Cold Spray Freeform Manufacturing of Engineered Parts
Dr. Christian Widener, SDSMT/VRC
Advanced Cold Spray System Development
Ken Young and Brian Sparber, Boeing
Elevated Temperature Processing Effects on Cold Spray Materials
Dr. Steven Nutt, USC
Structure/Property Relations for Wrought & CS-5056 Al
Matthew Siopis, UTRC
Study of Nozzle Clogging During Cold Spray
Scott Fawaz, Safe Engineering
Substantiation of Cold Spray Repaired Parts
Heidi Lovelock, TWI