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CSAT 2016 Presentations

Click the presentation titles below to open a new window featuring a PDF file of each presentation. 

Note: All Presentations linked here in have been released by the Speaker prior to being added to the CSAT Website for public viewing. All presentations from the 2016 agenda missing from this list are will not be available for publishing on the website until we have permission. 

2016 CSAT - Agenda - click here

Vic Champagne, ARL
Workshop Objectives & New Developments
Dr. Brian James, Ellsworth AFB
B-1 Cold Spray Initiative

Michael Nicholas, Boeing
Cold Spray Development for Apache Mast Support
Dr. Tim Eden, Penn State
Cold Spray Development at the Applied Research Laboratory
Neil Matthews, RUAG 
Blake Barnett & Dan Kaplowitz, ARL
Cold Spray for Additive Manufacturing
Kirkland Brooks, ES3, Inc.
SBIR AF131 SBIR AF131-190 Phase II 190 Phase II Cold Spray Repair for Dimensional Restoration
Jarrod Schell, MOOG 
Cold Spray Aerospace Applications
Aaron Nardi, UTRC
Structural Aluminum Cold Spray Development
S. Arunachalam, Safe Inc.
Trung Nguyen, NAVAIR 
Dr. Christian Widener, SDSMT
Transitioning Cold Spray to DoD/Commercial Applications
Dr. Ovidiu Marin, Quantum Technology
Helium Recovery System for Cold Spray Processes


Rob Hrabe, HF Webster Engineering Services

Ken Young, Boeing
Dr. Danielle Cote & Ballie McNally, WPI
Advanced Powder Characterization & Modeling
Mostafa Hassani-Gangaraj, MIT
Dr. Ozan Ozdemir, SDSMT
Prediction of Particle Impact Conditions via CFD Process Modeling
Tom Stamey, PSNSY
Cold Spray at PSNS & IMF
Dan Greving, Honeywell, AR
Cold Spray Repair Technology at Honeywell
Heidi Lovelock, TWI
Dr. Iulian Marinescu, Rolls Royce
Jack Lareau, Bill Glass, Aaron Diaz, PNNL
The Use of Cold Spray Deposition for the Fabrication of NDE Qualification Samples
Dr. Atieh Moridi, MIT
Fatigue Behavior of Cold Spray Coating
Dr. Julio Villafuerte, CenterLine & Linh Tran, L.J. Walch
Aerospace New Trends: Saving with the Cold Spray Process
Dr. Klassen, Helmut-Schmidt University
Systematic Tuning of Cold Spraying for Aerospace Applications
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