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Vic Champagne, ARL
Weapons and Materials Research Directorate Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
Brian James, Ellsworth AFB
Rapid Innovation Fund & Additive Manufacture Rapid Repair Facility Status Report
Wesley Cass, CCAD
Fred Lancaster, NAVAIR
Chris Howe, MOOG
Cold Spray Qualification of T700 Engine Front Frame
Michael Nicholas, Boeing
Cold Spray Advantages for Aerospace - OEM Perspective
Neil Matthews, Rosebank Engineering
Cold Spray - An Australian Update
Dan Kaplowitz, ARL
Bronze Powder Research and Development for Cold Spray Repair
Bill Harris, Sikorsky
Aaron Nardi, UTRC
Cold Spray Materials and Process Development at UTRC
Rob Hrabe, H. F. Webster Engineering Services, Inc.
Advancements of CS Powder Feeders and Processing
Dr. Christian Widener, SDSM&T
CS Repair and Refurbishment Developments at SDSM&T
Dr. Shreek Mandayam, Rowan University
VR Lab - Virtual Reality Laboratory
Dr. George Kim, Perpetual Technologies
Attributes of Nanostructured MCrAIYs
Dr. Andrew Vackel, Stonybrook
Methodologies to Interpret Properties of Sprayed Materials
John Lindeman & Charles Kay, ASB
High Pressure Cold Spray Process Integration Into a Thermal Spray Job Shop
Dr. Xuemei Wang, UTRC
Dr. Danielle Belsito Cote & Ballie McNally, WPI
Through-Process Modeling of Cold Spray
Dr. Tim Eden, PSU
Finite Element Analysis of Cold Spray Particle Impact
Dr. Jae-Hwang Lee, UMass Amherst
Simulation of Cold Spray Using Laser-Induced Single Particle Impact
Dr. Andrew Gouldstone, NEU
Modeling of Particle Bonding in Cold Spray
Dr. Leo Adelstein, GE
Blake Barnett, ARL
Additive Manufacturing Technology Transition
Dr. Julio Villafuerte, Centerline
Using Cold Spray to Add Features to Components
Oliver Stier, Siemens
Neat Cost Prediction Kit for Additive Manufacturing
Lawrence Binek, UTRC
OSD Mantech P 2 Automated Repair Cell - ARC
John Sauer, Sauer Engineering - IMR
Testing and Qualification of CS Processes: A Focused Approach
Aaron Birt, WPI
Laser Assisted Cold Spray of Titanium
Seiji Kuroda, NIMS-Japan
Warm Spray Technology for Ti, Ti6Al4V and WC-Co

Army Research Laboratory
H.C. Starck
Northeastern University
Penn State-ARL
Sauer Engineering - IMR
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Sturbridge Metallurgical
Temple University
VRC Metal Systems
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

CSAT 2015 Presentations

Click the presentation titles below to open a new window featuring a PDF file of each presentation. 

Note: All Presentations linked here in have been released by the Speaker prior to being added to the CSAT Website for public viewing. All presentations from the 2015 agenda missing from this list are will not be available for publishing on the website until we have permission. 

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