CSAT 2013 Presentations
Click the presentation titles below to open a new window featuring a PDF file of each presentation.
Note: All Presentations linked here in have been released by the Speaker prior to being added to the CSAT Website for public viewing.
Neil Matthews,Rosebank Engineering
Cold Spray Applications for the Australian Defence Department
Cold Spray Repair of the CH-47 Accessory Cover
Status of Cold Spray Repair Efforts for Magnesium Transmission Components
Baillie McNally & Danielle Cote, WPI
Microstructural Analysis of Cold Spray Aluminum Alloys
The Development of a Capillary Cold Spray System
Nondestructive Evaluation of Cold Spray Repairs
Todd Johnson, Federal Technology Group
Metal Coated Particles and Defense Applications
Cold Spray Coatings on Hard Surfaces Other Commercial Applications
Cold Spray Coatings for Prevention and Mitigation of Stress Corrosion Cracking
Rajiv Tanden, Magnesium Elektron
Development & Cold Spray of High Strength Magnesium Alloy Powders
Nate Dennehy, Plasma Giken USA
Plasma Giken: Thermal Spray Solutions Since 1980
Dr. Christian Widener, South Dakota School of Mines
B1 Bomber-FEB Panel Repair by Cold Spray
Helmut Hoell, Impact Innovations
Cold Spraying in Motion
Practical Application of SST™ Equipment, Powders and Knowledge